Economic Development

Our economic development work focuses on improving economic and social conditions of communities and people by driving sustainable development in transformative sectors such as agriculture, health, education and infrastructure to create jobs, reduce poverty and ultimately stimulate economic growth. We work with local people and organizations in all of our projects and emphasize gender parity, inclusion and active participation of all stakeholders.

Our activities in this area focuses on

Livelihood Empowerment

We work with local communities and other stakeholders to analyze existing livelihood value chains and potential opportunities and design innovative solutions to add value to activities that the people already understand. We work to strengthen business linkages, and create incentives that stimulates local business growth and returns sustainable economic, social, and environmental benefits. This way, people are able to experience significant increases in income and grow themselves out of poverty on a sustainable basis.

Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development

We help develop, grow and sustain scalable micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) through entrepreneurship promotion. Using a facilitation and market systems strengthening approach, we connect local business service providers with MSMEs to access new or improved technologies and markets, acquire technical business skills, access finance and deliver innovative products. This will ultimately lead to increases in enterprises, decent jobs and incomes to stimulate economic growth.

Agriculture and food security

We strengthen the agricultural sector by championing sustainable solutions that improve domestic production and increase incomes for smallholder farmers. Our projects address food security by mitigating value chain constraints to help improve access to sufficient qualities of affordable and nutritious foods for vulnerable populations. We connect rural farmers with reliable agricultural and business support service providers to improve productivity in the sector.

Youth Workforce Development

We work with our partners to prepare the youth for the workforce through cross-sectoral programming to bridge the gap between education and the labor force. Our innovative soft and hard skills trainings that are tailored to meet the needs of the youth to find decent jobs or pursue lucrative and sustainable livelihoods.

Featured Economic Development Projects

Poverty Alleviation for Small Holder Farmers

We support smallholders’ farmers to alleviate poverty among them by building their technical and managerial capacities, modernizing value chains and helping build more productive and efficient farmers through and access to capital.

COVID-19 Response and Resilience Program (CRRP)

The COVID-19 sensitization and education project in Kumasi Metropolis was to help in preventing the spread of the covid-19 within six marketplaces in Kumasi.

The basic schools’ literacy project

Working with our partners Step Publishers, the early grade reading project is ensuring over 1million children in Ghana can read with comprehension.

Promoting Professional Rice Production in Ghana

To support the rice sector in Ghana this project will help about 100,000 smallholder rice farmers adopt sustainable rice production and access to credit to grow production and earnings.